Kalliopi Lemos

Kalliopi Lemos (1951) was born in Greece and lives and works in London. She is a sculptor, installation artist and painter. Lemos studied at the Byam Shaw School of Art, University of the Arts London and Central Saint Martins. She is known for her large-scale installations in public space, in which she draws attention to the increasing global migration and oppression of women. Lemos has exhibited at various international locations. Her work can be found in private collections and in various museums in New York, London, Athens, Crete, Istanbul and Canakkale, among others.

Kalliopi Lemos in a recent interview: “I was saddened to learn that Ruth Bader Ginsburg (March 15,1933 – September 18,2020), U.S. Supreme Court Justice and Guardian Angel of Human and Women’s Rights, has passed away. “Real change happens one thing at a time – enduring change happens one step at a time,” she said. The Plait could serve as a memorial to her qualities, her philosophy, and the principles that guided her life—as a compass for humanity. She embodies everything

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