Turner Prize 2011 awarded to Martin Boyce

The Turner Prize, Britain’s most famous award for visual arts, was awarded to the Scottish artist Martin Boyce (44). The price is 25,000 pounds (29,000 euros). The judges praised his “opening up of a new sense of poetry”, while Nicholas Serota, director of Tate, who is not part of the jury, said: “He is an extraordinarily strong artist who has been steadily maturing over the past seven or eight years.”

The Turner Prize, named after the 19th-century landscape painter JMW Turner, in 1984 created as an incentive for British artists under 50.

Over a year ago, Sculpture International Rotterdam asked Martin Boyce, Goshka Macuga and Susan Philipsz (winner of the Turner Prize 2010) to develop an artwork in Rotterdam.

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Publicatiedatum: 12/05/2015