On Spam, Lectori Salutem #6 (2017)

Niels Post

foto Erwin Nederhoff (FRANK Foundation)

foto Erwin Nederhoff (FRANK Foundation)

foto Erwin Nederhoff (FRANK Foundation)

foto Erwin Nederhoff (FRANK Foundation)

foto Erwin Nederhoff (FRANK Foundation)

foto Erwin Nederhoff (FRANK Foundation)

foto Erwin Nederhoff (FRANK Foundation)

foto Erwin Nederhoff (FRANK Foundation)

The Artwork

The Erasmus Bridge is the number one landmark in the city of Rotterdam. In 2006, Niels Post made it his private postal address for nine weeks by attaching a mailbox to the main pylon. As a sequel of sorts, the FRANK Foundation asked Post to make a new work as part of their project Playing The Erasmus Bridge (P.T.E.B.).

On Spam, Lectori Salutem #6 is a text taken from his spamfilter and a subtle thank you to the many holiday greetings. Post was lucky enough to receive in his mailbox on this exact same location ten years earlier. For the people who don’t know the story of mailbox, including the many tourist who walk the bridge every day, it is mostly a friendly greeting that might raise a few questions.

Erasmus Bridge
91 x 12 cm
artist initiative
Gemeente Rotterdam
Niels Post

Niels Post

Niels Post is a Dutch artist who lives and works in Rotterdam.

Post graduated from the AKI in Enschede in 1996, with a semester at the San Francisco Institute. A central theme in his work is a creative use of public space. In recent years internet spam has been the main source material for most of his projects. Post uses it to create wall-sculptures, large scale installations and interventions. Sometimes site-specific, sometimes site-adjustable.

In 2005 Post co-founded, and continues to run, www.trendbeheer.com.

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