Idler's Playground (2010), foto Jannes Linders

Opening Palace Maashaven on 31st of May

UPDATE 31st MAY: Due to today’s weather conditions, the opening of The Idler’s Playground will take place at the Cultuurwerkplaats as well. Festivities at Cillershoekstraat 1 will commence at 4pm.

Sculpture International Rotterdam is moving 4 sculptures to Rotterdam South, marking the start of the multiple year program Palace Maashaven.

We cordially invite you to the unveiling of the relocated artwork The Idler’s Playground by Cosima von Bonin at the Putselaan at 3.30 pm, followed by a garden party at the Culture Workshop at Cillershoekstraat from 4.30 pm, where the arrival of three bronze statues to the garden is celebrated. These events mark the official inauguration of Paleis Maashaven. The program for the garden party offers music, food and drinks, and short interviews with residents and stakeholders, including Dees Linders, Hicham Khalidi, 
Kaboul Vermijs, Zoë D. Cochia and others, by moderator Jelena Barisic.

Maashaven Palace
Paleis Maashaven is the title of Sculpture International Rotterdam’s plans for a long-term international art project, consisting of the arrival of new artworks, exhibitions, lectures and other activities. With Paleis Maashaven, Sculpture International Rotterdam aims to generate attention for this part of Rotterdam, in collaboration with the artists, residents, and initiatives from around the neighborhood. Paleis Maashaven started in 2017 when Sculpture International Rotterdam took (an additional) office at the Cultuurwerkplaats Tarwewijk, which is part of Stichting Zuidzijde. This foundation undertakes socio-cultural projects in the surrounding metro station Maashaven.

The relocation of the artwork The Idler’s Playground by the artist Cosima von Bonin is the first step in the Maashaven Palace project. The work was relocated from the center of Rotterdam to the start of the Putselaan – right between the Afrikaander district, Bloemhof and Tarwewijk. In addition to Cosima von Bonin’s sculpture, three additional sculptures are travelling to the South: The Husband of the Doll by Thom Puckey, Monsieur Jacques by Oswald Wenckebach and The Knoop (The knot) by Shinkichi Tajiri have been taken from their original locations at the Coolsingel, and have been placed in the garden of the Cultuurwerkplaats.

Sculpture International Rotterdam is the international program for art in the public space of CBK Rotterdam.

Publicatiedatum: 17/05/2018
