Symposium Erasmus Statue 400 Years | 400 Years City Collection Rotterdam

Erasmus is a Rotterdam icon, not only in a philosophical sense, but also from the perspective of citizenship and within the scope of city marketing. On 29 April 2022, initiated by CBK Rotterdam, the Symposium Erasmus Statue 400 Years | 400 Years City Collection Rotterdam took place at the Laurenskerk in Rotterdam. It was entirely dedicated to Hendrick de Keyser’s statue of Erasmus which was unveiled on 30 April 1622 in the city centre of Rotterdam. This book was published to mark that occasion. It includes texts that were delivered during the symposium.

Apart from the history of the Erasmus statue, and an explanation of Erasmus’s body of thought, the symposium delved deeper into other visual representations of Erasmus in Rotterdam, the value of a city collection and how to manage it, the current debate surrounding statues, and the future of existing and new statues.

The publication is for sale at Kobo and available for free in PDF.

Publication editors: Esther Didden, Sannetje van Haarst
Picture editors: Sannetje van Haarst, Nienke Post
Copy editors Dutch version: Xandra Nibbeling, Nienke Post
Copy editors English version: Esther Didden, Sannetje van Haarst, Marie Louise Schoondergang
Translation (Dutch into English): Marie Louise Schoondergang
Graphic design: Jeanine van Berkel
Typography: Rungli Neue Helvetica Light
ISBN number 978-90-9036402-5

Thanks to the Erasmus Committee.

Publicatiedatum: 25/05/2022
