It’s Never Too Late to Say Sorry. 366 Sorry-rapporten

Diaries of a performer. Wim Konings has been the performer of the work of Elmgreen & Dragset on the Coolsingel since the beginning – May 28, 2010 – It’s Never Too Late to Say Sorry. During the first year, Konings kept a daily log of his observations and encounters as a performer on the Coolsingel. For the first time in the history of public art, day after day, the life of a public work of art is described with great precision and the reactions of the public to this work of art, sculpture and performance in one: moving, bizarre, comical and sometimes cringing.

This publication is only available in the Dutch language.

Author: Wim Konings
Introduction and text editing: Ernest van der Kwast
Foreword: Dees Linders
Editor-in-chief: Sculpture International Rotterdam
Editor-in-chief: Vivian de Gier
Design: Simon Davies
Photography: Jannes Linders
Pages: 446
Edition: 500
Publisher: CBK Rotterdam
ISBN / EAN: 978-90-822992-1-2
Price: € 24.95

Publicatiedatum: 10/03/2015
